Category Leadership & Growth Strategy

Actionable insights to manage, grow, and innovate in your category

Our team of expert story-tellers creates a compelling vision for category growth. We emphasize actionable, data-driven strategies and best-in-class practices for implementation and true leadership in your category.

Areas of Expertise

Growth Accelerators

Category growth opportunities and execution told through powerful selling stories

Category Management

Platforms for best-in-class merchandising, assortment, pricing, and shelving


Strategic distribution plan for the right products, locations, and sequence

At Cadent, we help brands grow by aligning their strategies with retail partners’ priorities and shopper needs. We create clear, actionable platforms that translate insights into category growth opportunities. Our approach focuses on best-in-class practices for merchandising, assortment, pricing, and shelving, providing the insights and resources needed to implement these strategies effectively and achieve sustained category leadership.

Case Study

As a strategic partner for a leading flavor and ingredients
company, we developed a category leadership platform
that clarified the brand’s positioning, while providing
tactical recommendations for category growth. Cadent
trained the sales team on utilization and customizable
retailer tools for seamless execution and ownership. The
work led to significant distribution gains in year one alone.

Want to Learn More?

Reach Out to Discuss How We Can Help

How We Make Category Leadership & Growth Strategy Work For You

Comprehensive Selling Platforms

Powerful, category-centric
narratives to grow your brand and

Channel/Retailer Customization

Insights and tactical modules for
nuanced customer selling

Consumer-Driven Approach

In-depth research and analytics to
support category initiatives

Hands-On Training

Ensure internal alignment and equip your team to succeed

— What Our Clients Are Saying —

“Cadent understands what is needed for our organization and what will resonate with retailers. I value how we co-create – you listen to our needs and then leverage your CPG industry expertise to create a strong end product.

Get in Touch!

Discover how Cadent can elevate your business. Reach out today to discuss our full suite of services.